Credit Counselling Canada (CCC) is pleased to announce the appointment of their Executive Director, Patricia White to the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) National Steering Committee on Financial Literacy.
The National Steering Committee on Financial Literacy includes 15 representatives from the public, private and non-profit sectors. It supports Canada’s Financial Literacy Leader, Jane Rooney, in fostering FCAC’s collaboration and engagement with stakeholders, with initiatives to strengthen the financial literacy of Canadians.
Ms. White brings over thirty years of experience in the not-for-profit credit counselling industry, first as a counsellor, followed by Executive Director for the Ontario provincial association and the Canadian national credit counselling association. She has a unique perspective on the needs of Canadians with socio-economic challenges.
”Credit Counselling Canada member agencies are counselling over 30,000 people annually and I look forward to being their voice, advising the Leader on emerging trends and issues facing Canadians,” says White.
Each member will be called upon to deliver evidence-based initiatives that contribute to the goals of the National Strategy for Financial Literacy—Count Me In, Canada. They will also be required to report on the progress of their sector in moving the strategy forward.
”CCC members do fabulous work in their communities and are regularly exploring and developing new ideas to best meet the needs of the populations they serve. Some examples include educational programs in post-secondary institutions, elder abuse prevention initiatives, programs with newcomers and youth transitioning out of care.”
The committee’s efforts will empower Canadians to achieve the following goals:
- manage money and debt wisely
- plan and save for the future
- prevent and protect against fraud and financial abuse
”Mortgage debt and consumer debt have increased significantly. Many Canadians are finding themselves in problematic financial situations and the financial literacy agenda needs to be pushed forward. With the national strategy to guide us, I anticipate this committee will help Canadians build a better financial future,” says White.
For more information on the National Steering Committee on Financial Literacy or the National Strategy for Financial Literacy—Count Me In, Canada please visit the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada.