About Us

Our members operate nation-wide. Hundreds of thousands of Canadians have benefited from their support and you can too!


Our member agencies have been serving Canadians for decades and are passionate about helping them achieve long-term financial health. Their range of services, from free counselling and coaching to low-cost debt management programs, are designed to help consumers manage their financial challenges and build a healthier financial future.

Through collaboration, partnership and a community focus, our members have created innovative programs that best meet the needs of people they serve, reaching 85,406 individuals through community educational events in 2023-24.

At Credit Counselling Canada we work to support our member agencies, and the consumers they serve, through continuous advocacy to government and regulators on legislation, regulation and consumer finance issues. We strive to represent the voice of Canadians on matters that affect their financial health.

2023-24 Case Data

# Consumers Helped 1,312,911
# New DMP/OPD Programs set up 5,358
# Total Consumers Helped 5.1 Mill
$ Disbursed to Creditors 390+ Mill
% Clients Maintaining Payments 83%
Average # of Creditors per Case 5

Reasons Given for Indebtedness

  • Overextension / Overuse of credit 14% 14%
  • Money Management 16% 16%
  • Income Issues 26% 26%
  • Relationship Issues 6% 6%
  • Health/Medical 8% 8%
  • Other 29% 29%

Client Demographics

Average Net Monthly Income $3,353.90
Average Monthly Living Expenses $2,297.14
Average Age 44
Percentage of Clients Who Are Renters 49%

Our Financial Literacy Reach



# of Community Workshops

# of Workplace Workshops

# of Youth Workshop Participants