About Us

Our members operate nation-wide. Hundreds of thousands of Canadians have benefited from their support and you can too!


Credit Counselling Canada’s Board of Directors provides leadership for carrying out the association’s mission to promote the value of not-for-profit credit counselling and support member agencies in maintaining the highest standards.

The board consists of individuals who bring diverse skills, expertise and experience to organizational governance. The board includes independent volunteers from the community as well as representatives from member agencies. The composition of the board ensures that a minimum of two directors are from each of the three regions, Western, Central and Eastern Canada.

Arthur Coren - Chair

Arthur is Professor Emeritus and retired President and Vice Chancellor at University Canada West. He is also a principal with Avalon Advisory Ltd. which provides strategic advice and project work for a select group of education service providers, colleges and universities, and private equity firms. Arthur has a PhD from the University of Nebraska and many professional accomplishments. These include serving as the Dean of the School of Business at Kwantlen Polytechnic University and Executive Director for International Education.

Al Antle

Al is the Executive Director of Credit Counselling Services of Newfoundland and Labrador (CCSNL), an accredited member of CCC. He is a member of several CCC committees including Membership & Accreditation, Education and an accreditation reviewer. Al was the founding Executive Director of CCSNL 40 years ago and was instrumental in the founding of CCC.

Ian Jarvis

Ian has been providing senior executive leadership in organizations that improve quality of life for over 25 years. He is the Chief Operating Officer at BC Utilities Commission, and former President and CEO of TransLink, Metro Vancouver’s regional transportation authority. He is a Chartered Accountant and holds an Institute of Corporate Directors Designation.

Linda Morel

Linda is the Executive Director of Sudbury Community Service Centre, an accredited member of CCC.

Linda Routledge

Linda is the former Director, Consumer Affairs with the Canadian Bankers Association. She has 37 years experience working with bankers responsible for personal credit/collections and the industry’s relationship with the credit counselling community.

Roland Gagnon

Roland Gagnon has been a member of Credit Counselling Canada’s board of directors since 2014 and has been Treasurer since 2015.  He has been involved in the credit counselling industry with other organizations in a director capacity for over 18 years.

He holds a Bachelor’s degree in accounting from the Université de Moncton and a Master’s degree in Taxation from the Université de Sherbrooke.

For the past 25 years, he has been serving his clients with their accounting and taxation needs.

Greg Elsby

Greg is the Executive Director of Credit Counselling Service of Sault Ste. Marie & District, an accredited member of CCC. The agency has been providing practical assistance and guidance to people with debt and money management problems in Sault Ste. Marie & District since 1969.

Rick Hancox

Rick Hancox has been a regulator for more than 25 years. He was the Chief Executive Officer of the Financial and Consumer Services Commission (FCNB). FCNB is an independent, self-funded Crown corporation responsible for the administration of a wide range of consumer and investor protection legislation in New Brunswick. FCNB had an education mandate and Rick has been very involved in the promotion of financial literacy in the province.

Michael Massoud

Michael Massoud is a principal, Research, Guidance and Support at CPA Canada. His work focuses on the development of more comprehensive and transparent financial reporting in Canada and around the world. He leads several CPA Canada committees and task forces responsible for raising awareness of application issues of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in several of Canada’s most prominent industries.

Prior to joining CPA Canada, Michael had several years of business experience in major organizations, including the Canadian Accounting Standards Board, Royal Bank of Canada, LCBO, and PwC. Michael holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Toronto.

David Mohammed, BBA

David Mohammed, BBA


Director, Customer Experience BC Assessment Authority

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Linda Routledge

Linda Routledge


Former Director, Canadian Bankers Association

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Michael Massoud, CPA, CA, CPA(IL), QAFP

Michael Massoud, CPA, CA, CPA(IL), QAFP


Director, Finance, Analytics & Reporting, CPA Canada

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Stacy Yanchuk Oleksy MSc., CEPF, AFCC

Stacy Yanchuk Oleksy MSc., CEPF, AFCC


CEO, Money Mentors.

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John Eisner

John Eisner


Former President and CEO, Credit Counselling Services of Atlantic Canada

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Susan Eisner

Susan Eisner


Chief Executive Officer, SolveYourDebts.com

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Benjamin Eggen, CFP®, RIS

Benjamin Eggen, CFP®, RIS


Wealth Planning Specialist | Island Savings, a division of First West Credit Union

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Lauren Holwell AFCC, BBA

Lauren Holwell AFCC, BBA


Executive Director, Credit Counselling Services of Newfoundland and Labrador

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Bruce Sellery B.Com

Bruce Sellery B.Com


CEO, Credit Canada

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Peta Wales B.A.

Peta Wales B.A.


President and CEO, Credit Counselling Society

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