When it comes to Canadians accessing not-for-profit credit counselling services, timing is everything. How do we get people to recognize there is a problem and connect them with help before they are at the point of needing to file for bankruptcy, or having a judgement placed against them? Admitting there is a problem and getting help can be hard- but it can also be very rewarding.
Here are 5 signs your client could benefit from credit counselling:
1) They are struggling to keep up with their payments and/or have missed payments.
2) They have indicated that they have lost their job, or there has been a change in household income.
3) They are not living up to their payment promises.
4) They are considering bankruptcy.
5) They have indicated they are experiencing financial stress (not sleeping, sad, anxious, feelings of hopelessness).
Connecting such clients with a credit counsellor is easier than ever. You can:
1) Refer a client to our website www.creditcounsellingcanada.ca where they can use the interactive map to find a counsellor in their area.
2) Provide clients with our toll-free number: 1-866-398-5999 which will connect them with a local counsellor.
Most people do not want to be in a financial crisis. It is important to be sympathetic and encourage clients by providing them options and letting them know there are services available to help them through the difficult times they are experiencing. Once you have provided them with the information about credit counselling, be sure to make a note on their file. Remember, it can take multiple prompts before someone reaches out for help, so please keep encouraging them. Together, we can help people get back on track!