Keep up with the latest tips and ideas for building a brighter financial future.
September – A Time for New Beginnings, including Your Budget
Sep 7, 2021 | Financial Literacy, Credit Counselling
September - A Time for New Beginnings, including Your Budget September is such a beautiful month with the cooler, crisper weather and all the vegetation turning into the brilliant colours of fall, including a few of my pumpkins I planted in the spring. For many of us...
Enjoying Staycations on a Budget!
Jul 7, 2021 | Credit Counselling, Personal Finance
Vacations this year are going to look a lot different. With stay-at-home orders ending slowly, staycations on a budget are the norm for many. It may not feel like a real vacation turning your home-school office into a holiday spot. Still, a little creativity can go a...
Emotional Spending – 6 Keys to Tackling It
Apr 9, 2021 | Credit Counselling, Personal Finance
Emotional spending gets to all of us at one time or another. You walk into a store merely to window-shop and walk out feeling like Santa Claus! Those red shoes were just so pretty, or that cordless toolset too cool to miss. An irresistible sale beckoned, or, you...
Consumer rights and debt
Jan 18, 2021 | News, Credit Counselling, Advocacy, Debt Management, Personal Finance
Consumer rights and debt is an increasingly important topic. As modern societies move toward open data movements in government, health care and banking, it’s important to note that North American society wasn’t built on a bedrock of a citizen’s right to know....
Online Financial Literacy Tools: Our Top 6 Picks
Nov 14, 2020 | Financial Literacy
The holidays are fast approaching and budgets are really tight this year. The good news is that there are ton of ways to better manage your money – including using online resources. Credit Counselling Canada members offer a wide range of online financial literacy...
Credit Counselling Canada appointed to FCAC Committee
Jul 15, 2020 | Financial Literacy, Credit Counselling, Debt Management, Consumer Alerts, News
CCC on Financial Consumer Agency of Canada's Advisory TeamCredit Counselling Canada has been appointed to FCAC Consumer Protection Advisory Committee to support financial well-being of Canadians.Click here to view the article to learn more.
5 Things to Look for When You Pick a Credit Counsellor
Feb 20, 2020 | Credit Counselling
‘I want to be a credit counsellor when I grow up,’ said nobody, ever. Interestingly enough, life has a way of taking people down a path. Today, many people find themselves offering credit counselling services. If you’re experiencing financial problems and are looking...
Selecting the Right Credit Counsellor for You
Dec 17, 2019 | Credit Counselling
Select a Not-for-Profit Credit/Charitable Credit Counsellor for trusted, informed and accredited advice when it comes to your financial future.